Business Fundamentals
We are committed to growing our business profitably. We measure our growth by gross premium written, policies issued, agency, and geographical location. We measure our premium adequacy by the claims ratios achieved on our books of business. We measure our profitability by earning a consistent return on equity.
Change is good. We will never forget what made us successful, but we will not be complacent and fail to respond to changing market needs.
We are committed to servicing our agency and corporate partners. We will adapt our programs, processes, and systems to achieve efficiencies and make it easy to do business with us.
Our policyholders know us by how we handle and communicate our claims service. It is this service and our professionalism that will set us apart from our competitors. We will establish and measure our service to ensure we are continuously fulfilling that commitment.
We foster a high performance environment grounded on accountabilities and alignment of behaviours and values with our statutory, regulatory, legal, Old Republic and Board policies and procedures.